
Posts Tagged ‘Revised’

I tried the square crop I had envisioned and rejected it as too boring.  Julie’s suggested crop above using an 8×10 format, capturing just a small portion of the yellow flowers on each side works better, but for me it highlights one flaw too much.  The window is crooked!  The door lines up vertically with cropping guides but the window is just slightly crooked in the wall – something that this view highlights in my eyes.

The view below is a slightly wider view of the 8×10 format and it works better for me.  I think the slight wisp of leaves in the upper left and hint of windows along the top help frame the image without being a distraction and the window is less  prominant so the slight tilt is less obvious.  The suggestions and comments were a big help in getting me to view this a little differently – I’d like to hear what everyone thinks of the revisions.

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